HLT R-Evolution Pack FIX PRO


BTC 0,18458785

EUR 17.400,00

+ VAT*

*VAT will be applied to the mining component
Carrier Points
921,867791 CP
Start Trial
Evolution Mining
  • Start mining activity

    The production's start the day after the purchase

  • Pack Composition

    761,73 $SWA Token = 2.700,00 €
    883,61 Extra $SWA Token = 3.132,00 €
    115,17 $SWA airdrop = 408,24 €
    40.298,51 $HLT Token = 2.700,00 €

  • Energy and Management Costs

    You can pay for electricity in 0 installments of 0,00€ to limit the initial cost. You pay the first installment when you sign the contract. All management costs are included in the price.

  • Production

    Monthly payments of the variable mining production

  • Token $SWA
    $SWA Token

    Swag's Utility Token that provides access to products and services in the SWAG ecosystem. $SWA tokens will be locked for 12 months from the time of purchase and will release a weekly Airdrop for a total of 7% per year. Download the whitepaper to learn more.

  • Token $HLT
    $HLT Token

    The new Utility Token for the Healthy project. Launched in September 2024, it will follow a presale roadmap until March 2025. Download the whitepaper to learn more about the presale phases and Tokenomics.

  • Warranty

    The extraction is protected by our policy

  • Environment

    We work with the utmost attention to the environment, avoiding waste and rewarding the most responsible mining farms