SWA-World Card 200€
Explore SWA-World, the latest innovation in the SWAG ecosystem. With the SWA-World Card, you get access to a universe of exclusive products on the dedicated SWA-World website to give you the freedom to choose from a wide range of unique items and make every purchase special.
EUR 160,00 + 40,00€ equivalent in $SWA

The Swag ecosystem grows and offers you new opportunities to use your $SWA tokens. SWA-World is Swag's new e-commerce that gives you the opportunity to choose from a wide range of products at affordable prices.
SWA-World Card
The SWA-World Card is your key to SWA-World. It is your payment method for purchasing products available on our e-commerce website. Go to the FAQ to find out more.
SWA-World Card payment method
With the SWA-World Card, your $SWA tokens acquire even more value. You can use your tokens to cover a fixed part of your purchase. When you check out, your payment will be divided into two parts: one in Euros, one in $SWA tokens.
Fill up with $SWA
Don't have $SWA tokens yet? Fill up your Swaggy Wallet with tokens and make sure, before adding the product to your shopping cart, that you have a sufficient balance of $SWA tokens for the Card you wish to purchase.